Classic tees & sweatshirts!
Dear Reader,
Thank you for being here! I am happy to announce that this magazine, like its sister publication, Worlds of IF, is also being revived and relaunched by Starship Sloane Publishing Company, Inc.
Jean-Paul L. Garnier is reprising his role as deputy editor-in-chief, Dr. Daniel Pomarède as science editor, Robert Silverberg as contributing editor, and F. J. Bergmann as design & layout guru. Pedro Iniguez has been brought on board as proofreader. They are a dynamic bunch and I am glad to have them involved in this endeavor. We work very well together and get a lot done.
This might be a slow process, as we are wonderfully busy with the booming relaunch of Worlds of IF already, and I have no desire to make things overly frenetic. The idea is to methodically breathe new life into Galaxy. It seems only fitting that these two magazines should walk hand in hand once again. I will be keeping this celebrated magazine skinny, minimalist in style, and highly selective with work paid at a professional rate. The quality will speak for itself.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for the historical editors of Galaxy, from the great OG himself, H. L. Gold, to the incomparable Pohl, to Baen. And I see you, Vera Cerutti, first EIC of Galaxy. This magazine will live again, and live well. I understand the heritage.
My goal has always been to create a publishing house that stands the test of time. One that is inspired, sustainable, vibrant, and resilient. I have never approached this venture as some sort of shortsighted lark. Rather, I hold a generational perspective. As I largely mention in my first Worlds of IF editorial, the very reason the name of this corporation begins with the word Starship, followed by my surname, is because of my thoughts concerning the idea of the generational starship. First, as it applies to all fans of science fiction and secondly, as it applies to my own family’s involvement with science fiction. That, and my love of Star Trek, the first television show I remember watching (I wrote about that too, but in my first editorial for The Starlight SciFaiku Review).
I am not sprinting towards a fixed finish line here, either. Rather, I am strolling towards an indeterminate spot on the horizon. One that is illuminated by the effervescent light of the imagination-universal. An evolving objective, approached in measured steps. I will enjoy the journey, this particular application of thought and effort, this expenditure of time and money.
Galaxy Science Fiction will live again as a paying venue at the SFWA pro rate of eight cents a word. New work only except for reprints from Silverberg. I will probably only publish one or two short stories per issue. Some poetry and flash, too. I don’t really know. And that’s just how I like it and just how I want it to be. I’m reveling in the idea of freewheeling with this magazine. Art for the cover? But, of course. Interior art? Maybe, maybe not. Back cover art? Possibly. Art, poetry, and flash will be paid, too, of course. Payment details are being hashed out.
I do this for the love of creativity and science fiction. But I also strive for simplicity. If something becomes a self-imposed, burdensome form of work, I reevaluate. I will not place stressful expectations on myself here. A strict publishing schedule? Very unlikely. But semiannually sounds about right, I suppose. If that works for advertisers great. This magazine will be in both webzine and PDF formats with a print copy available. And I am going to keep this as fun for myself as possible. In a reversal of historical antecedent, it will be more like Pohl’s Worlds of IF. I hope that readers enjoy the magazine as much as I will enjoy putting it together.
On the Starship Sloane Publishing homesite, you will see the first-ever webzine reissue of one of the original magazines. I chose that particular issue because it has gorgeous cover art, not always the case with Galaxy, early on, unlike IF, which usually had the best. More so, because it contains stories by Bradbury and Asimov (and Simak). Two of my favorites. Something Wicked This Way Comes by Bradbury, along with The Tell-Tale Heart by Poe, are two of the speculative works that I first remember reading and I still remember clearly the sense of eeriness they expertly imparted. Asimov is a favorite. His is the earliest science fiction that I remember reading. His decade working with my grandfather as his editor at Doubleday has also made me more than just a little biased in favor of anything Asimov. I like the guy on a personal level, although I never actually knew him.
In closing this brief editorial, I’d like very much to share with you a story that Asimov recounts in one of his memoirs. Maybe you know this one already. A practical joke played on my grandfather, Tom. Asimov usually took the word count of his manuscripts well beyond what was requested of him. So, one day, having a meeting scheduled with Tom to deliver his new manuscript, Asimov enlisted a couple of his fellows to play a prank on him. Asimov walked into Tom’s office with a large box, and having placed it on the desk, he stated that here was the manuscript. As the sheer volume of pages in the box before them far surpassed anything that Tom had reason to expect, he was quite surprised. A moment later, Asimov’s band of merry pranksters, who had been waiting just outside the door, proceeded to bring in several more boxes of the ‘manuscript.’
Safe travels, children of the stars . . .
My best,
Justin T. O’Conor Sloane, Editor-in-Chief
GALAXY Science Fiction
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